BTL® Exilis Ultra Femme 360™

Vaginal rejuvenation or improving your intimate health doesn’t have to involve incisions, anesthesia, and longer downtime. With BTL Exilis Ultra Femme 360, you can have a non-invasive treatment for improving vaginal laxity and enhancing sexual satisfaction. It safely heats the vaginal tissues, providing an immediate tightening effect and stimulating collagen building.

BTL Exilis Ultra Femme 360 in Singapore is a US FDA-cleared non-invasive procedure that improves women’s intimate health and treats intimate areas. It combines radiofrequency waves and ultrasound energy, providing complete vaginal rejuvenation treatment, including labia remodeling and vaginal tightening.

Clinical studies suggest that BTL Exilis Ultra Femme 360 has shown positive results for:

  • Improving vaginal laxity
  • Treating stress urinary incontinence
  • Boosting sexual satisfaction
  • Improving the overall appearance of the intimate area

How it Works

Ultra Femme 360 procedure uses a handheld device that simultaneously delivers safe ultrasound energy and radiofrequency waves. It works by inserting the 360° disposable tip through the Introitus (opening) inside the vaginal canal. The tip is then moved alongside the whole length of the vaginal canal with slow repeating motion forward and backward.

For labia remodeling (treatment of the external vaginal area), a second disposable tip is used and this may last between 15 and 30 minutes. The same energy from the tip triggers your body’s natural regenerative process, resulting in new and stronger collagen.

After the procedure, collagen restoration process takes place over time, typically within 60 to 90 days after.


Is Ultra Femme 360 safe?

This non-invasive vaginal treatment uses the unique EFC™ (Energy Flow Control). This ensures that the optimal level of power is delivered to the target tissue while also monitoring and adjusting the energy in real time. This only means that there will be no discomfort for the patient. Also, the energy does not create wounds, so there is no risk for infection or discharge.

Does Ultra Femme 360 hurt?

While the vaginal rejuvenation treatment applies heat to the tissues, it is pleasant and has a comfortable warming sensation. The inside session of the treatment may take about eight minutes, while treatment duration for outside is about 30 minutes. Do take note that you will have to postpone the appointment if you are on your period.

How many treatments do I need?

This will depend on your needs. At Cutis Laser Clinics, three (3) is our standard recommended number of sessions, scheduled on a weekly basis or with at least 10 days interval.

Are there any side effects of downtime?

Side effects include mild redness and swelling in the treatment area. This typically disappears within a few hours and you may return to your daily routines. As BTL Exilis Ultra Femme 360 in Singapore is non-invasive, there is no downtime or recovery. In fact, you can have the procedure during your lunch break and go back to your normal activities immediately.

Be sure to follow the doctor’s timeline for refraining from intercourse or using tampons for two days to avoid irritation in the treatment area.

How fast will I see results?

You may notice improvements after the initial treatment, but overall results continue to improve overtime, especially after the third session. Do take note that results vary from patient to patient and depend on factors like your body’s own response to the treatment and amount of tissue laxity.

How much does Ultra Femme 360 cost?

At Cutis Laser Clinics, Ultra Femme 360 cost starts from $340 for outside treatment (done by a therapist) and $826 for inside (done by our aesthetic doctor). The treatment for inside and outside is about $1050.

We advise you to contact our clinic and schedule a consultation with our aesthetic doctor to get a more accurate quote of BTL Ultra Femme 360 cost based on your needs.

Contact Cutis Laser Clinics today and discover how Ultra Femme 360 in Singapore can improve your intimate wellbeing without incisions, anesthesia, and downtime.