Menopause is often a time of transition for a woman. It is a condition in every woman’s life when her menstrual period permanently stops, and she is not able to bear a child again. Menopause may occur between 49 and 52 years or the midlife of a woman’s age.

Besides from not having her period, other symptoms include hot flashes, abnormal vaginal bleeding, urinary and vaginal symptoms and mood swings. Aging also catches up wherein hormones and collagen drastically decrease leading to vaginal dryness and laxity.

Sex is Different After Menopause

With these changes, a woman’s body may not feel the desire to have sex. But sex after menopause can still be pleasurable especially if you know how to cope up with the changes.

Here are 3 common facts on how sex can be different after menopause and what can you do about it:

Fact 1: You may not feel like doing it

Aging and declining hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone in women, often leads to low libido or loss of sex drive. Some menopausal women feels that they lost interest in it because they are no longer easily aroused.

Furthermore, some women are no longer interested in sexual intercourse because of vaginal laxity. Similar to skin, the vaginal tissue is also made up of collagen fibers which can overstretch due to aging and vaginal childbirth, creating a feeling of “looseness”.  Women who experience this loss of tightness may also notice a decreased feeling of sensation and sexual satisfaction during intercourse.

With the right treatment, it’s possible to improve elasticity and restore the tightness of the vaginal opening with safe and non-surgical vaginal tightening treatments. Geneveve by Viveve is a clinically-proven that uses safe radiofrequency technology to comfortably revitalize vaginal tissue for women who want an effective solution to restore sensation and improve sexual satisfaction. It is also a single-session treatment without any surgery or downtime and does not require any anaesthesia.

Fact 2: It may hurt

Decrease in hormones, which keeps the vagina moist and supple, further lead to vaginal dryness. This makes sex uncomfortable and sometimes very painful. However, regular sex is still essential not only to keep the vagina healthy but also to build relationship with your loved one.

To restore a healthy and pleasurable sex, try using vaginal moisturizers or proper lubrication such as water-soluble lubricants available in stores. Another option to consider is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that can substitute your estrogen or testosterone deficiency.

In Singapore, HRT is one of the key element in the Optimagenics Age Management Program that helps to add improved quality of life to women (and men) in their advanced years. Optimagenics is includes personalized age management program of proper nutrition, exercise, hormonal optimization and nutritional supplementation. Make sure to talk to your doctor or a certified age management doctor about the risks and benefits of HRT.

Fact 3: You may want it more than your partner

In other cases, some menopausal women have more sexual desire than men. There are several reasons why men lose their sex drive and knowing the right cause is the first step to find the solution.

It may be due to several factors such as health, work, finances or conflict and often having communication and understanding each other’s concern will help address the issue.

Another reason why men have low libido is loss of testosterone. Similar to women, men can also experience male menopause otherwise known as andropause. But for men, the changes such as declining testosterone are more gradual. Unfortunately, low testosterone in men is often considered as normal although they are not ‘optimal’.

Men can undergo testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to restore their vitality and libido. Ask your partner if he will be comfortable to undergo this treatment and talk to a certified age management doctor to understand more about TRT.

Tags: Women’s Clinic Singapore, Vaginal Laxity, Viveve

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